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Narrator: For Hire
Along with writing, I've also begun narrating audiobooks. You might find one or more of them to be of interest; also, if you are a writer or producer in search of a male voice for your project, feel free to contact me.
Here are the books I've done so far, all available through,, and iTunes, who also provide samples:
- House of Zeor, by Jacqueline Lichtenberg
- The first novel in the Sime~Gen universe.
- The Brass Dragon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- A space adventure; imagine Heinlein’s Have Space Suit, Will Travel … and then take away the spacesuit!
- The Sword of Aldones, by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- The Hugo-nominated classic novel of Darkover.
- When the Carny Comes to Town, by Elaine Orr
- When one of her friends is brutally attacked during a spring carnival in their seaside New Jersey town, a young divorcée is determined to find out who did it and why.
- Behind the Walls, by Elaine Orr
- Something's hidden behind the walls of the hurricane-damaged house Jolie Gentil just bought. And someone seems willing to kill for it.
Spence’s choice (you’re here; why not read these)…
- Why Story is important to life; why SFF is important to theology
- The advantage of podcast radio: Freberg's dream lives!
- Unguided Evolution vs. Intelligent Design: Paradigm Smackdown!
- The Soul of the 7th Son: Aleph; Beth; Gimel
- 7th Son Sidebar: The Soul of the Palimpsest
- Serenity and faith
- One universe. One GL Corps. One ethics? One could wish.
- On meaning
Among Spence’s published work (see also “About” page)
- "Why the Sea Is Boiling Hot"
- in Tales from the Archives: Collection 7
and individually [The Ministry Shop | Kindle| NOOK | Smashwords | Kobo]
- "The Music of the Spheres"
- in Music of Darkover (Darkover anthology #13) [Paperback
| Kindle
- "One Drink Before You Go"
- in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Worlds [Hardcover
(got $3,500?) | Paperback
The TREASURES OF ALBION series (with Elisabeth Waters):
- 10 "A Drink of Deadly Wine"
- in Sword and Sorceress 28 [Paperback
| Kindle
- 9 "They That Watch"
- in Sword and Sorceress 27 [Paperback
| Kindle
- Stories 1–8 collected for Kindle
- Volume 1 (1–4)
Volume 2 (5–8) - 8 "Truth in the Inward Parts"
- [Kindle
in Sword and Sorceress 26 [Paperback| Kindle
- 7 "Inquisition for Blood"
- [Kindle
in >Sword and Sorceress 25 [Paperback| Kindle
- 6 "Sceptre of the Ungodly"
- [Kindle
in Sword and Sorceress 24 [Paperback| Kindle
- 5 "Daughter of Heaven"
- [Kindle
in Sword and Sorceress 23 [Paperback| Kindle
- 4 "Crosswort Puzzle"
- [Kindle
in Sword and Sorceress 22 [Paperback| Kindle
- 3 "Pride, Prejudice, and Paranoia" (by M.S.)
- [Kindle
in Sword and Sorceress 19 [Paperback]
- 2 "Salt and Sorcery"
- [Kindle
in Sword and Sorceress 16 [Paperback]
- 1 "The Blade of Unmaking" (by E.W.)
- [Kindle
in Sword and Sorceress 14 [Paperback]
Category Archives: Theology
Intelligent Design and President Tilghman
John Teevan, guest contributor Clerk’s Log, MJD 53817.9: Continuing our discussion on naturalistic evolution and Intelligent Design, we present the following letter by John Teevan (who graciously agreed to share it with us), a condensed version of which was published … Continue reading
Posted in General, Theology
God on our side in Twenty-aught-six?
Today’s quotation from A.Word.A.Day: The problem with being sure that God is on your side is that you can’t change your mind, because God sure isn’t going to change His. — Roger Ebert, film-critic (1942– ) I’ll give that an … Continue reading
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Unguided Evolution vs. Intelligent Design: Paradigm Smackdown!
Clerk’s Log, MJDate 55179.26: They say, “Don’t mess with success,” and it’s true that this is the most heavily commented article at the Scriptorium. But I’ve made some revisions anyway, for reasons I’ll report shortly. In the meantime, enjoy — … Continue reading
Posted in General, Theology
When life didn’t go according to plan
So here you are. You’re getting older, and what’s happened to your life? Precious little, that’s what.
Posted in Theology
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Reflecting on Hurricane Katrina
My boss returned yesterday from Shreveport, Louisiana, where he helped to organize relief operations in Hurricane Katrina’s wake. Like other experiences of extreme conditions, the aftermath of the hurricane has shown us humanity at its best and at its worst.
Posted in Theology
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Valuing persons 3
Observation on the preceding article: What I’ve called “assigned value” shows up all the time in the pricing of merchandise. How much is commodity X worth? Answer: Not what the maker thinks it’s worth, not the cost of the materials … Continue reading
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Meaning and mind-changing
I noted in the introduction that this site isn’t a blog, although it certainly seems we’re blundering into that territory. One distinction is that because of the nature of blogger software1 — and if I’m wrong here please correct me … Continue reading
Posted in Theology
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On meaning
Where there is no meaning, there is no being. — Vera Nazarian [Note: The above was initially used as the epigraph for the Scriptorium.] So what about that quotation up there? Well, it makes sense — even if you violently … Continue reading
Posted in SFF: People, Theology, Writing: The process
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