Blogs & Essays

Why do we read blogs? Because they inform us, sometimes change our perspective, and occasionally we find in them models of excellent writing. Here are some blogs and essays that have taught me and deserve your attention (as in, why are you still here? Read them!):

Concerning media treatment of stories that have a religious angle, acknowledged or not
Evolution News & Views
Concerning media treatment of issues in evolution and “Intelligent Design”
Neil Gaiman
Author of Sandman and American Gods, and one of several whose writing is both gracious and graceful
Judith Tarr
Equestrienne, breeder of wondrous horses, medieval scholar, prose stylist extraordinaire … and, incidentally, creator of “Brother Osric” (see The Isle of Glass)
By the charming and fearless (“C’mon, let’s go take a shakedown ride in a helicopter that’s just had its rotor serviced!”) Heather Jamison, who holds her own both in Kenya and in Texas
By Mike Purvis, engineering student and shrewd observer. You know he’s an engineer ’cause he knows how to be concise — bravo!
Rob Weychert’s Daily Haiku
Ah, me. How to classify this one? Maybe it’s the way we should have done our vocabulary exercises …
Making Light
By the gracious Teresa Nielsen Hayden, who also includes a worthwhile list of further blogs by people whose names you know, or should
By Sean Boisen, who likewise includes other worthwhile resources
Vera’s Theory of Relativity
More goodies from Vera Nazarian. Here’s an example of how (i.e., the process) to think about the major questions
Write SFF
By editor Rachel E. Holman — common-sense advice about the craft of Imaginative Lit

The opinions expressed by these contributors might but do not necessarily represent those of Scriptorium management. As always, should you or any of your I.M. Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim.

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